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I can remember as far back as a little girl my total adoration for the canine variety.  Taking dogs home after school because 'I thought' their owner's were being mean to them was a way of life.  Of course mummy would have them returned, most apologetic.  What can I say ….. Mother knows best.   This day and age you would be sued or assaulted for the same well meaning behavior.  How times have changed.  One thing hasn’t - my total commitment to dogs.  Well actually over the years, one thing has changed, my total head over heals love of Bullies.  Yes, you Bullie lovers know what I mean right?

It happened around 1988 when traveling a lonely back road in the early hours of the morning.  Got to love shift work!  In the headlights was a little black and white Bull Terrier trotting along the road.  Me being me, hard on the brakes, door flung open and cooing calls!  She seemed to keep trotting along on her merry way not interested, so sadly I drove off.  Looking back in my rearview mirror I saw her frantically running behind me.  Hard on the brakes, door flung open super enthusiastically and before I know it, in a single bound, one black and white bull terrier bounced off my knees straight over the back seat and stood there wagging her body out of control with the biggest smile on her face…. “this is the life!”

At that time I was in the police force doing highway patrol.   I’m sure she looked a sight in the back seat hanging out the window of the canary yellow highway car as we drove along the road to the local animal shelter.  There was no hope in hell that I was going to leave her there so the staff kindly filled out all the appropriate paper work to find her owner and allowed me to be her caretaker.  No one came forward to claim her and two weeks later I signed the adoption papers.



Enter ‘Piggy’ – Piggasaurus Rex  - my first Bull Terrier.













I could write a book on Piggy’s antics, as you could with all Bullies, but imagine my surprise the first time I turned on the windscreen wipers only to be met by Piggy’s head face planting in a nano second against the windscreen – those wipers were fair game!  Heart in mouth I did manage to pull over without taking anyone else with me.  I learnt very fast how to manage this as well as sooooo many other games she enjoyed.  Piggy became the first of many, once they are under your skin you are hooked, and I think gladly so.  I think Piggy was under two when she adopted me and she lived to what I estimated to be about 14.

Angel by name and Angel by nature came along in 1994.  She was given to me at 12months old by a breeder who wanted to re-house her.  I was not told she had a very bad heart condition. inherited from her father.  (Why must Breeders be so uncaring and breed with dogs they know have Grade 5 heart murmurs! - confirmed by her Vet’s surgery). Several years later the Specialist said she had between 12 weeks and six months to live.  Four months later I lost my beautiful Angel to heart failure on the couch beside me, she was only five.  She had a happy active life right to the end and had done her favorite things on her last day, running in the paddock and swimming in the dam.  As hard as it was I would do it all again as my life was richer for having her in it.


Enter Angel ..














Now for the ‘Mini’s’. I had seen a show on Bourke’s Backyard on Miniature Bull Terriers – “Got to have one of them!!!!”  I made enquiries, drove out to the other side of Tullamarine and put a deposit on the cutest little black and white girl.   Over the next few weeks I decided with heavy heart to cancel the order as I could not justify the cost when other expenses needed to be met.   Enter my ‘Bestest Friend’. Unbeknown to me she had gone around family, friends and work colleagues and raised the outstanding $800.00.  How blessed am I to have a friend like that in my life. 

In 2000 I picked up my new pup, Esprit she was to be named - 'Minibull Shiona, and second to me her most favorite person was my Bestest Friend.  They have a judgment of character second to none.  (Infact when flatting in my younger days if my dogs didn’t like prospective flat mates they were told the room was taken, I never did have a bad flat mate)


Enter Esprit ....
















It was when Spree was about 4 months old that I lost ‘Pig’.  She had mothered Spree as if she was her own and Spree pined terribly as a consequence.  She did not come out of their bed for three days and would not eat.  I phoned her breeder who kindly said she had a young female that was very timid that I could have.  I went and got her that day (2001)


Enter ‘Petal’




















 Petal doing the 'Bullie Booster Seat'

What can I say about Petal, she was my utter nutter, little miss pushy, 9kg pocket rocket.  Well at least that’s what she grew into.  It took her a couple of years to come out of her shell but once she did there was no stopping her.  

I lost Spree in 2011, hardest knock I’ve had with the many friends I have lost, so it makes sense not to think about it.  I am now getting to the stage where I can smile at just how blessed I was to have such a gentle, sweet natured, even tempered wonderful little dog,  I do go on I know but there truly are not enough words to describe how divine she was.

It was too soon in 2012 when my little Petly signed off.   How I miss her crazy laps of the house and couch.  You would just about pee yourself laughing, they are so good for the soul.

So now it’s down to Simo and me.  I kept Simpson from Esprit’s second litter and I’m so glad I did.  This breed just NEVER disappoints, they are the gift that just keeps giving.



















'Simo' - Minibrae Simpson

Simo was not use to being the only bullie in the house and needed a friend so on 27/10/12 a breeder generously re-homed one of her mini girls with us, this was their first night together and they seem pretty happy

Enter - 'Bonnie'














Bonnie was the sweetest little girl.  She was however extremely timid but over the years slowly came out of her shell.  She was a blessing to have but came to me with health problems that were a quandary for the vet.  With heavy heart she got her wings on 29/09/17.   If I could turn back the clock I would still have taken her on, health issues and all, she was a pure delight and is greatly missed.










Welcome Miss Freya.  I am a first time fosterer failure for the NSW Bull Terrier Rescue service.   I took on Freya who was in need of a foster home until adopted.  Well one should know after having bullies for so long that there was no way that this one would not get under my skin - so here she stays!!

Below are Minibrae puppies
white bitch and pooh bear
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